
  • Amanda Eloisa Ribeiro Gomes UFSCar - Federal University of São Carlos
  • Mateus Xavier Yamaguti UFSCAR - Federal University of São Carlos
  • Tathiane Milaré UFSCAR - Federal University of São Carlos https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6557-1769


science teaching, paradigm, revolutions


This article aims to present which among the main teaching methodologies proposed by the document Complementary Educational Guidelines to the National Curriculum Parameters of High School (PCN+EM) for the natural sciences can be considered as revolutions of Kuhn's paradigms. For this, we will use as methodology the qualitative research of exploratory-descriptive character. With our analyses, we realized that each active teaching methodology present in PCN+EM appears as a way to revolutionize traditional teaching in a certain historical context, but only some of them can be considered paradigms, since they arise from revolutions.

Author Biographies

Amanda Eloisa Ribeiro Gomes, UFSCar - Federal University of São Carlos

Master's student at the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of São Carlos. He holds a degree in Physics from the Federal University of São Carlos (2021). He is currently a scholarship holder of the master's program in the project Disseminating and popularizing the teaching, research and extension activities of the CCA and is part of the Research Group on Education in Science and Mathematics in the CTS Context at UFSCar Araras. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Teaching-Learning

Mateus Xavier Yamaguti, UFSCAR - Federal University of São Carlos

Degree in Physics from the Federal University of São Carlos - CCA (2021). He is currently a Learning Analyst at the technology company NAPP SOLUTIONS. He has experience in the area of ​​corporate teaching and learning, focused on technological training with a focus on Python, SQL programming languages ​​and project development. As well as guidance and tutoring of students. As well, he is a graduate of the Science and Mathematics Education program at UFSCAR - Campus de Araras. Finally, he participates in the research group LABINTEC at UFSCAR (Laboratory of Technologies and Inclusion), which focuses on generating technological resources for educational inclusion.

Tathiane Milaré, UFSCAR - Federal University of São Carlos

Degree in Chemistry from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2005), Master's degree in Scientific and Technological Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2008) and PhD in Chemistry Teaching from the University of São Paulo (2013). She is currently a professor at the Department of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Education at the Federal University of São Carlos. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Science and Chemistry Teaching, working mainly on themes related to Scientific and Technological Literacy and the epistemological analysis of the production of Research in Chemistry Teaching.



How to Cite

Gomes, A. E. R., Yamaguti, M. X., & Milaré, T. . (2023). TEACHING STRATEGIES AS KUHN’S PARADIGM REVOLUTIONS. Ensaios Pedagógicos, 7(1), p.73–80. Retrieved from https://ensaiospedagogicos.ufscar.br/index.php/ENP/article/view/290