
  • Cristiane Freitas Gomes dos Santos UFSCar - Federal University of São Carlos


Socio-education, Juvenile offender, Educational practices


This article presents the education practice in the socio education sphere and its challenges. After this, it intends to exemplify the “Novo Ensino Médio”, most recently implemented governmental program, and share how it has been done during the first semester. The goal is to show the different contexts and cause reflections about the need of specific educational practices, considering who the adolescent in socio educational measure is, contributing with the objective of socio education politics, so that, at the end of it, the adolescents return to the social interaction being able to continue their life project, as a protagonist of their stories and extending the education as an ally in their journey. The theoretical reference is Mainardes (2018), who thinks about the objective of the studies in educational politics. 

Author Biography

Cristiane Freitas Gomes dos Santos , UFSCar - Federal University of São Carlos

This article presents the education practice in the socio education sphere and its challenges. After this, it intends to exemplify the “Novo Ensino Médio”, most recently implemented governmental program, and share how it has been done during the first semester. The goal is to show the different contexts and cause reflections about the need of specific educational practices, considering who the adolescent in socio educational measure is, contributing with the objective of socio education politics, so that, at the end of it, the adolescents return to the social interaction being able to continue their life project, as a protagonist of their stories and extending the education as an ally in their journey. The theoretical reference is Mainardes (2018), who thinks about the objective of the studies in educational politics. 



How to Cite

Santos , C. F. G. dos . (2022). REFLECTIONS ON EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE IN SOCIO-EDUCATION. Ensaios Pedagógicos, 6(3), p.24–30. Retrieved from